The Online Otto Dix Project

A German Artist and Print Maker

Abend in der Wijtschaete-Ebene (Nov. 1917)
Evening on the Wijtschaete Plain - Nov 1917

Year: 1924

Description: The Ypres lines were among the most hotly contested in the Great War. In 1917, Haig attempted another assault on German positions. The goal was Passchendaele. If the British could capture the town then they could straighten their line and create a more defendable front. With a brutal inital assault, the Biritsh met their early objectives in a week. Months later, they recaptured what remained of Passchendaele. Here Dix depicts the price of a straightened line...

Provenance: Der Krieg; #27
National Gallery of Austrailia

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  • Sabrina Sohn

    I was wondering if the subject matter himself commissioned the artist to draw the doctor or not? thanks